狗狗每日都需要清潔 , 最基本係刷牙 , 梳毛 , 清潔 , 今次就由 Irowake guma ( 小冰 ) 做模特兒為大家示範 :
Everyday dogs need to clean up, the basic steps are brushing teeth , combing hair , fresh up , today will be present by Irowakeguma (not for sale anything shows in this post)
食完晚餐之後 , 小狗就要刷牙 , 可以用狗牙膏 , 記住人既牙膏係唔可以架 !
After dinner , they will need to brush teeth, you can brush with dogs and cat tooth paste , remember humans tooth paste is not for dogs!
刷牙短片/video of showing brush teeth for dog : http://youtu.be/fn5eAIweGcw
刷完牙仔就要開始梳毛同消毒 , 清潔 , 下面有示範短片
After brush teeth you have to star combing and disinfect , cleaning, there will be a video to show the way
沖涼 吹毛....
貴賓犬 Poodle 蕭耍 大變身
小狗 小冰 平日梳毛
* 小冰現在已經 3 歲 :
Must be dry out completelyhttps://youtu.be/AorqJuFBcFg
Tea cup poodle 茶杯貴婦狗 泡長 100 天大,第一次剪毛
清潔用品 - 用狗狗專用乾洗水 , 乾洗泡 , 乾洗粉 一樣可以 . 用作清潔用餐後整污既毛髮 .
cleaning equipment i use- Self Rinse Shampoo ,Cleansing Spritz, Dry clean powder will do, this for clean up the dirt for after dinner
消毒我用美滴樂 , 乾洗之後 , 要再消毒 , 因為進食 , 去街之後都會有細菌 .
To disinfect I'll use Medilox, after dry clean you need to disinfect, cause aftereating and go on street will have bacteria
眼睛清潔我用 Eye Envy , 臉既清潔我就用 La Fancy's Clear Face
Eyes cleaning I'll use Eye Envy, face cleaning I'll use La Fancy's Clear Face
再用 Kiehl's 潔毛噴霧全身噴一次用毛巾抹乾 , 吹乾 , 將殘留物洗走 .
最後噴 Brush-Up 將毛髮提升 , 防靜電 , 用法邊噴 , 邊梳 , 邊吹
At the end use Brush-Up to rinse the hair, to remove static , Direction is spray the way and combing , wind dry at the same time
Irowake Guma 熊妹妹 好 enjoy 架
this little baby girl bear enjoy it so much
咁就乾淨晒啦 !
Than it DONE!!
當時毛孩約 3 個月大
我自己是, 噴護毛 > 邊吹邊梳至完全順滑 > 修剪指甲 > 剪腳底毛 , 洗耳朵 > 沖洗 > 香薰按摩 > 扶養泥 > 微泡 / 牛奶 SPA / > 沖洗 > 護毛> 沖洗 > 邊吹邊拉直 > 爽膚水 > brush up > 修剪 > 完成
同場加影 - 熊仔
capture extra- Shiroguma
Joy Joy
比熊犬 真真
佢地係 糖糖 > 真真 > 波波 > 豬豬 > 後面果個係寶寶
Joy joy 蕭哉
Neptune ( tune tune )
開住暖蒸汽浸 微泡 Spa ~
video of cutting nails
Grooming video