
2017年8月18日 星期五

幫貓貓驗血糖方法短片 Cat taking blood sugar solution at home

先請大家放心 , 小雪貓無糖尿病, 亦無身體健康問題 ( Touch Wood ) , 只係同大家分享點幫貓貓驗血糖 je !
Relax, my cat is fine, healthy as a horse. this blog is just for sharing. 

針係可以較深淺度 , 1 度係拮得最淺 , 皮薄既地區已經好足夠 , 每支針係用完即棄, 方便衛生 .

The needle can be adjusted, 1 is the lightest, where the thinnest part of the skin will do. the needles are one-time disposal, convenient, and hygiene.

如果唔習慣搵唔到血管既話 , 可以先用一個同貓貓耳朵同 size 既圓桶型樽 , 放係耳朵下緊貼 , 再用手按住一陣, 咁耳朵血管熱左就好易睇到 .

If you have a hard time looking for veins, you can look for a bottle that is perpendicular arc as the cat ears, and press you hand on it to warm up the ears, as the ear warm up, veins will ventilate, and easier to be seen.   

另外 , 腳仔一樣可以 .

Paw can just pinch the needle at any point. make sure you disinfection first.

小雪貓嬲添 :P    祝大家身體健康 ,  無需要為毛孩驗血糖 ! 

grumpy cat

用腳板仔 .... sorry, 小雪貓知道搵佢笨, 所以一路係度罵人 !
sorry for my cat keep scrolling at us.

using flashlight underneath can see the vein better



