今日輪到波波沖涼同剪毛 , 剪毛前 ..... :P
It Ball Ball turn Now! Before groom... ...
先做個深層清潔 Mask - 小心 - 下面張相有好多黑頭係肚仔架 ! 係好嚇人架 !! :P
Let the Deep Clean Mask be the first one, be careful,the picture at the bottom might make you feel upset, it her belly filled with blackhead/whitehead
敷上 去油脂膏 ....
Putting Pre-Cleaning creme on her dirty tummy
狗狗去油脂膏 用後報告
After using report at the link below
之後再用微泡沖涼 ( 屋企只有微泡花灑 )
乾脆晒 !
做完深層清潔 mask 記得要做番海洋膠原蛋白 P.P.T 護理同埋狗狗專用爽膚水
波波 不想動, 太胖了吧 !?
波波有可愛嗎 ?
姿姿 BB 21 日大
熊 bear bear 肉球
宵夜 蘿蔔糕
牛肉球 , 咖啡