先祝大家中秋節快樂 , 人月兩團圓 , 中秋快樂 .
Let bless everyone have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Let us all join and have fun in a such happy festaval
狗月餅食譜 :
mooncake for dog recipe:
材料 :
雞肉 500 g , 鴨肉 500 g ( 4 件鴨胸肉去皮 ) , 紫蕃薯 600 g , 黃蕃薯 600 g , 蛋 2 個 , 芝士 少許 .
Skinless Chicken 500g, Ducks 500g (4 peace duck breast romove the skin), Violet sweet potato 600g, Yellow Sweet potato 600g, egg 2, cheeze a bit.
做法 :
雞肉用低溫煮熟 , 放涼, 切成細絲 .
Chicken slow cook and cool down chop into smal slice
鴨胸肉去皮 , 用低溫煮熟 , 放涼, 切成細絲 .
Duck breast removwe the skin slow cook and cool down then chop to small slice
芝士 少許
Add cheese, (cheese ingredient )
蛋 1 個
add one egg
黃蕃薯去皮, 蒸熟 , 壓成茸 , 降溫後, 放入 雞肉 , 芝士 , 蛋 1 個 , 攪拌均勻 , 分成 30 g 一個 . ( 如果太乾, 可以加入椰子油 )
Yellow sweet potato remove the skin, steam, smachs into smugese, let it cool down a bit so the egg wont get cooked, then spead them into 30g Per one(it depends on what mode you use, diveded your mode in half ) if it to dry you can add coconut oil
紫蕃薯去皮, 蒸熟 , 壓成茸 , 降溫後, 放入 鴨胸肉 , 芝士 , 蛋 1 個 , 攪拌均勻 , 分成 30 g 一個 . ( 如果太乾, 可以加入椰子油 )
Violet sweet potato, cook it same as up but add duck after it and cheese and egg, mix it well and spead them again
因為無用麵粉 , 所以會比較黏稠 , 帶手套就會易處理 .
i did not add flour this time so it would stick to your hand, feel free to use handcloves to keep it clean
分別係 30 g 一份 , 可隨意紫色 / 黃色蕃薯做皮或餡都一樣可以 .
quater will be same quantity as the skin of the mooncake
紫色蕃薯做皮 , 包入黃色蕃薯餡 , 印模, 放入冰箱雪 15 分鐘 , 塗上蛋黃 , 放入焗爐 , 160 - 180 'C 焗 5 分鐘 , 取出放涼 10 分鐘 , 再塗上蛋黃 , 焗多 10 - 15 分鐘即可 . 焗好之後放上放涼架 .
violet sweet potato, wrap it up with yellow ingredient, prees in mode, put in freezer 15 mins , brush egg yolk on the surface, put in oven, 10-15mins, wala done, let it cool .
毛孩食用既無麵粉月餅完成了 !
人食既嘉麟樓月餅亦完成 , 人狗一齊興團圓 :)
其他狗月餅食譜 :