
2016年7月9日 星期六

Poodle 貴婦狗 - 蕭姿 , 今日要修毛了 ! GiGi got trim today

Poodle 貴婦狗 - 蕭姿 , 今日要修毛了 ! 

poodle poodle - GiGi got trim today !

長長的耳朵毛 ....

long hair bye bye!!!

已經剪短了 !  唔知囡囡留黎做咩 !?  又唔係有灰色狗要比賽 !!!

Gone! Don't know why my daughter is keeping it, we don't have other silver poodle at home.

剛剛剪短耳朵毛時, 叫姿姿起身比我地睇下 ~  佢好似好唔習慣  :P

Just after trimming I called GiGi to look up, seems like she is not used to it yet

短耳裝又好似唔係好襯姿姿  :P 

Short ear dosn't seems to agrees with her :P

囡囡好鍾意係毛孩既做型中 , 加入細節 ....

My daughter like to put in some small details while her groom.

要讚下囡囡 , 佢終於肯幫姿姿剪短少少  ^^

Finally she is willing to trim shorter.

骰仔沖左兩日涼, 今日又成個丐兒咁 !  唉 ~ 

Dice shower two days ago, already looks like a homeless...

Poodle colour 貴賓犬顏色


狗狗去油脂膏 用後報告

比熊犬 波波沖涼同剪毛 深層清潔 Mask 使用方法 Bichon Frise Ball bath and groom Deep Clean Mask

