
2015年5月28日 星期四

椰皇燉蛋白 做法 Italian Sausage Bread 洋蔥湯 肉醬千層麵食譜

開椰皇真係好難又好危險 :P

最後發現用菜板既手提位放個椰皇就可以定位啦 !

囡囡起身唔舒服 , 快手 20 分鐘煮個紅米潮州粥

晚餐 洋蔥湯 , 半個洋蔥放入鑄鐵鍋內加清湯低溫燉 2 小時 , 可增強抵抗力 .


肉醬千層麵 食譜

肉醬我鐘意煮多少少 , 隔夜之後更入味 , 呢度 32 cm , 3 個人可以食 2 餐 .

茄汁肉醬做法 : 洋蔥切細細粒 2 個 , 甘荀 1 -2 條 切細粒 , 蒜 半個 切片 , 蘑菇切片 , 茄膏 , 蕃茄 ( 起碼 2 磅 ) , 用欖油炒香 , 加蓋 ( 用鑄鐵鍋唔需要加水 ) , 煮 1小時左右 , 加入薯仔粒 , 牛肉碎 煮多 30 - 60 分鐘 , 便可熄火加 Bay leaf 月桂樹葉 ( 煮耐會苦 , 可殺菌 , 去痰 ) , 加黑椒 , 鹽調味 . 

肉醬煮好就可以準備整千層麵 , 

煮千層麵既焗盤 , 先放少少牛油係底 , 放少少肉醬 , 放一片千層麵 , 放少少肉醬 , 芝士碎 , 放一片千層麵 , 放少少肉醬 , 芝士碎 ...重復直到妳需要既層數即可 , 最頂層 , 加芝士碎, 香草 , 黑椒碎 , 200 - 220'C 焗 20 分鐘 , 焗爐門唔好開 , 燜多 10 分鐘 .

千層麵 , 最後焗完燜多陣先食我地會岩食 D , 不過喜歡生意粉口感 , 就唔使燜咁耐 .

Italian Sausage Bread 係網上見到 , 試做 , 效果幾好 .

Italian Sausage Bread
Makes 10-12 slices
Print recipe only here.
1 pound pizza dough, homemade or store-bought*
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 pound hot Italian sausage, removed from the casing
1/2 cup diced hard pepperoni
6 large eggs, lightly beaten, seasoned with salt and pepper
2 small balls of fresh mozzarella (about 1/2 pound)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
1. Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F, and center a rack. Roll out 1 pound of room temperature homemade or store-bought pizza dough into a rectangle about 10 X 12 inches on an unrimmed cookie sheet coated with a little cooking spray. Cover with a kitchen towel while cooking the filling.
2. In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, warm olive oil. Add sausage. Using a wooden spoon, break up the sausage into small pieces. Cook 8-10 minutes, or until browned and crispy. Add pepperoni. Cook 2-3 minutes. Add eggs, mozzarella, Parmesan, and parsley. Cook 2-3 minutes, stirring several times. The eggs should be partially cooked, and the cheese partially melted and stringy. Overcooking the eggs will make them dry. Let egg mixture cool for about 5-7 minutes.
3. Spread egg mixture on dough, leaving a 1-inch border all around. Turn the shorter sides of the dough up on to the filling. Then roll the dough into a loaf, in a jelly-roll fashion. Turn the roll over with the seam on the bottom. Place in the middle of the pan. (You can line the pan with parchment paper for easy clean up.) Brush the top of the loaf with olive oil and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.
4. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp. Cool slightly before serving. Eat hot or at room temperature. Wrap leftovers in tin-foil and refrigerate. Toasted, they make a delicious breakfast the day next.

甜品 椰皇燉蛋白 做法 :

1 . 冰糖加少少奶煮溶 , 加鮮奶降溫 備用 

 2 . 蛋白用筷子打勻 , 加已加冰糖同降溫既奶 ,  比例係 蛋白 1 : 奶 3 , 攪勻 , 過篩 , 倒椰皇中 ( 要倒走 D 椰皇水先 , 倒係量杯 , 就知要整幾多奶同蛋白  ) 中火蒸 25 - 30 分鍾

我 3 個椰皇用左 4 個蛋白 + 380 g 奶 

